Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Jn 20:1-18
Lk 24:1-11
Mk 16:1-11
Mt 28:1-8

Balilea tou theou

Kingdom Demands:
1. New attitudes (look at other people differently)
2. Renewed Relationships


1. Jewish people believe in God's universal providence. Yahweh takes care of everything
2. Israel, begin to see that as a chosen people, as the kingdom of God (covenant)
- of all the nation they are favored
- people have a covenant relationship with God
3. The growth of kingship in Israel - they saw that their neighbors have kings. they elected Saul 1035, David 1015, Solomon 945
- this institution when arose in Israel, it is understood in a subordinate sense. They represent Yahweh. they do not have ultimate power

Role of the prophet - to call the king to fidelity

4.Awaiting the final reign of Yahweh before the birth of Christ e.g. Jer 31:31-33
- the messianic expectation

Fullenbach, John. The Kingdom of God: The Message of Jesus Today

Mk. 1:15
(a) Time is fulfilled (WHEN)
chronos - succession
KAIROS - golden opportunity
- unique moment
- once in a lifetime and you must act on it for it will not come back again

Mt. 11:2-6

Mk 13:5,9,23,33 - urgency of the kingdom
Lk 14:26-27 put aside...
Lk 9:62 - the men who .....
Mt. 6:33 seek first

(b) KINGDOM of God (WHOSE)
- it's God's Kingdom
-therefore dont enter this kingdom by strict adherance to the law, by our own effort
-God gives us the gift of the Kingdom

Mk 10:15 how do we receive? - childlike attitude

J. taylor
G. Bernas - Diary of Community of priest
"all is gift"

(c) Kingdom of God (WHAT)
what is the kingdom
- not nationalistic

Mk 8:31-33 the messioah is going to be a suffering servant
Lk 9:22-26/ Mt 16:21-26
Mk 20:20 but we see Jesus rejecting splendid, earthly expectations
Lk 9:51-55 & so the kingdom is not...

This earthly kingdom - you do not take the kingdom by force

- kingdom
-active dynamic reign of God in our life
-god's active dynamic presence in our life
-active entry and sounding to God's rule in our life
-not a static

- the kingdom should not be considered as a place!

Renewed Attitude
Transformingt Relationships

(d) repent (HOW) - metanoia - how to enter the kingdom? - change our life,
- Lk 19:1-10 Zachaeus Table fellowship
- come down, repent, change life
- partial conversion is no conversion at all

Repentance is a sustaining Foundation

(e) believe (HOW) - make a decision

- an act of faith (beleive for faith)

- a saving event, a positive reality
-why belive its good news when its demands are scareful
-it is not an event of condemnation
-is good news because it is a saving event, it gives joy and peace

- it is evangelion Is 52:7
-imagery of goodness - how beautiful on the mountain are the feet of the one who
-tells Zion that Yahweh is King, Yahweh rules
-n shows positive orientation of the world

- he is the kingdom in itself

Mt 12:28
Lk 11:20-22 - shows that the kingdom is a present reality

Future: Mk 14:62
Mt 16:28
Lk 21:31-32
Mk 4:26-29


(EN) If people today do not receive the message of Salvation as joyful evangelizers, they won't get the message

Dynamic Process
Promise - OT
Inauguration - Christ
Continuing - through the ministry of the church
Fulfillment - Parousia

Mt. 11:12 - the kingdom does not come automatically

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