Monday, June 16, 2008



  1. We try to set the context that Jesus enter the world, social religion, political culture … These elements have been discussed. To know more these elements is to know more about Jesus- (know the context is to help understand the content)

Ex: Mt 12, 41-44: Jesus watching the people offered their contribution to the temple- a widow came and put her 5 centavo coin. She put more than other. The temple offering box:

  1. The whole area of the historisch and geschichlich: the historical Jesus is understood in faith.
  2. The basis approach: Low- ascending approach, indeed we want the integral approach: the element include of all human Jesus and go to the full humanity.
  3. To show the portrait o human Jesus: the Jewishness of Jesus: Jesus was fully human person. We try to understand the person of Jesus before we come to all the dogmatic preparation.
  4. The Discipleship Christology.

All these help us to be better followers of Jesus. It is part of our vocation and faith journey.


(Biographical impasse; ferment in primitive community; act of faith)

Can we truly paint the portrait of the human Jesus?

  1. Are we asked the biographical impasses? If we try to obstacles the portrait of Jesus, humanness of Jesus that you can’t escapes or get around it. So is there a biographical impasse? This term capture the heart of a common question: “In exploring the humanity and person of Jesus, do we face the impossibility of reaching authentic insight into Jesus?” In trying to bring this gospel of Jesus or in response, we need to clarify our purpose:

Ø We are not focusing on or constructing a biography of Jesus, in all the historical things that we know but the gospel portrait is more interesting, is truly built the person of Jesus, what kind of person he was? How did he relate to women and the outcast? We do not try to make a biography.

Ø We accept the fact we have incomplete historical data; we know the limitations of how much we know regard to the humanity of Jesus, the historical data regard to Jesus.

Ø We do not try to harmonize the gospel;

Ø We are seeking to present a faith- based “Gospel Portrait”. Thus, we are not , in fact, faced with a “biographical impasse”

  1. What about the theological ferment in the early xtn cmty?

- “Ferment”: change the substance from one thing into another substance (coconut- alcohol- vinegar)

- Did Mt, Lk, Mk rethink Jesus to the point where we get the false picture. The Gospels are the result of the 3 stages of process has been grown. They took it from different angles. Mt is for the Jew, Jn for the world. We do not deny the influence of the faith cmty and for whom it was written. But indeed, the evangelists farcified the image of Jesus.

- The evangelists are Pastoral Theologians: they shaped the gospel for the cmty that would listen to the gospel. They emphasized certain things so that faith may be communicated: faith in Jesus. The evangelists did not destroy the personal identity of Jesus.

- We don’t deny the reality of the formation of the gospel but we do get that picture of Jesus.

  1. The act of faith:

- Sometime we have a particular conception that faith means believing in spiritual or divine things but in fact the act of faith is to see how God enters into reality of our life situation. If faith is only remove from life- not authentic xtn faith. So to understand the humanity of Jesus is truly a full act of faith.

- Faith means believing in one nature of Jesus and put the emphasis on the divine nature.

- Faith means believing in the messiness of reality.

III. THE HUMANNESS OF JESUS (Human personality Traits and Relationship)

  1. Sensitive and “presence” to people:

- Presence: is really being with people, very authentically. He entered the life of the people.

- This presence comes from a great sensitive according to the need.

Ex: Mt 9, 18… The daughter had just died! And a woman hemorrhage for 12 yrs: seeking compassion> Jesus said to her: “take courage, your faith has saved you”

- Jesus is very sensitive to the need of the people, he met people, deep encounter, deep personal communication, deep sense of caring…

Mt 8, 1-4: The story of a leper.

- Jesus reached out his hands and cured him. The gospel said that Jesus touched him, while leprosy was a fear (death sense), most terrible disease, social cauterization separated from people.

- Jesus touched him: a respond of some one who is sensitive to the need, reality of others.

- The gospel reveals many things about Jesus to us. Jesus was in touch with people.

Ex 1906: Culion- Palawan: Leprosy territory.

Lk 22, 61-62: after Peter denied Jesus. They had eye-contact. Peter understood the compassion of Jesus through the eye-contact- Peter went out weep bitterly.

Lk 37, 36-60: Jesus reach out and forgave her, Jesus lifted her up (perfume)

- Jesus ministry is a model of all ministries of the church: COMPASSION.

Jn 8, 1-11: Woman caught adultery. Jesus lifted her up with tenderness and love: Jesus rescued the woman’s life.

- Through all the gospels Jesus drew all people: the blind, deaf poor children, the sick. Jesus reached out to them. It tells us a lot about his personality and the compassion- he easily put them into the context of other people, not focus on himself but on the reality of other people.

Mt 9, 9-13: the call of Matthew

Jn 4 : the Samaritan woman

- He does not exclude anyone. (Mother Teresa Calculta, Francis Asisi…)

- From his words and actions of comfort and encouragement: He is a man very sensitive… Jesus is truly human; we see the face of God in Jesus. The Gospel writers were trying to write the person of Jesus and the situation around him, a man of very mature sensitive with all people around him.

- Our spirituality and discipleship is deeper and more authentic when it draws from his full humanity and divinity.

- Jesus always reaches out to the little, the least, the lonely, the last and the lost. “Come to me all who are burden and find rest for your soul” People come to Jesus to find rest and peace.

- Monica Hellwig: “Jesus, the compassion of God” (compassion with feeling and sensitivity)

- The prayer during the Christmas season- Incarnation- flesh- in him we see our God made visible.. compassion of God makes visible)

Ø No eye has seen the glory of our God, but now we have seen him as one like us in time… total acceptance of our humanity.

Ø God has become one with humanity and we become one with God.

  1. Jesus’ good sense and Common Wisdom: (Practice insight, down to earth, he knows what is life all about.)

1. Promotes our understanding (sound reason)

- Jesus desire that we’ll understand what we understand. We will accept his teaching b/c we can understand.

Ex: Mt 5,45: Love your enemy. We are all children of the same Father in heaven.

Mk 10, 6:

Mt 5,22-28

Mt 12, 11-12: HB is not made for the Sabbath, we are much more than the animals…

Mt 10, 31: have faith in the providence of God. How God takes care of them. Don’t worry!

MK 7, 18-22: what come form the heart makes you unclean… even the hair are numbered…

Jesus’ teaching is readily accepted- help people understand faith.

2. Jesus’ knowledge of life’ realities:

Mt 5, 45: Sun & rain.

Mt 24, 27

Mt 6,6

Mt 6, 30

Mk 13, 28: The fig tree

Mt 6, 19

Lk 16, 21

Mt 24, 28

Mt 7, 24-27: How to construct the house

Mt 13, 33

Jn 16, 31

Mt 8,9: Obedience of soldier

Lk 16, 1-12

Mk 3, 27

Jesus really observed the reality of life, take life experiences of people- change into harmony to the KDG

3. Jesus: a person with feeling and emotion:

The authentic human is found in the life of Jesus, joy, anger, sorrow, temptation, tear, cold..

Lk 7, 13: widow of Naim

Mk 6,34: compassion on the hungry

Mk 9,18: anger

Mt 11, 25-26

Mk 7, 44-46

Mk 3,5

Jn 2, 15-17: violence, righteous anger

Mk 7, 18

Mk 8, 12

Lk 9, 55

Jesus does the phenomenon of friendship:

Lk 14, 12-14

Lk 11, 5-8

Jn 11, 37: close friendship with Lazarus

Mt 21, 17: enjoy friendship with Mary, Martha and Lazarus

Jesus physically exhausted after his teaching, he slept Mk 6

Heb 4, 15: Jesus is capable of filling our weakness with us. He shared with us the human condition in every way but sin.

These have a lot to say about the act of faith only in the level of spirituality; true faith is the full experience of humanity of Jesus. We need to take deeper a look into the gospel to help us has a deeper integration on the full humanity of Jesus- reach to 2nd Naivete: the integration of our faith.

SUMMARY: “authentically human”

- Looking at the full humanity of Jesus bring us into a close action of the Incarnation.

- In the Incarnation, God becomes human: Jesus is authentically human.

- Contemporary Christology emphasizes the fullness of Jesus humanity. Jesus’ dimension of human including all limitation of human existence. The humanity of Jesus is the epiphany of the Divine (Jan 6th)

- Contemporary Christology affirms that Jesus is transcendent yet truly in our midst, fully presence to all historical reality.

- Our rejection of the material human is only the result of the destruction of human reason. Why? Docetism in Christology: considers only the human existence of Jesus. Jesus only appears/ seems to be human but Jesus is actually divine.

- Our values/ dignity is Incarnated values

- We are created in he image and likeness of God. The incarnated God become one with us. He totally entered the history of humanity. Each one of us has the dignity, values, and worth a higher respect. When we see humanity suffering it is Xt who united with us in every person.

- Our XTn identity, faith’s identity is rooted in Xt. We are so important/ wonderful/ permanent cling with Xt forever- b/c Xt becomes one with us.

The mission of the church:

- They are ecclesia logy, to whom we come to understand the church.

- The church is historical, body of xt, cling to God

- The Incarnation speaks eloquently of the mission of the church b/c the church is the sacraments of the presence of Xt in the world. The disciples are sent out >> the humanity of Xt is under the values of human dignity

Redemptor Hominis: (the 1st Encyclical John Paul II- 1979) summarized what is the cause emphasis in his Pontifical:

#13-14: “By His Incarnation, He- the Son of God- united himself with each and every person. The Church can’t abandon humanity for humanity’s destination that: birth/ death/ salvation: cling with XT, therefore, humanity is the primarily that the church must value in fulfilling her mission. Humanity is the primarily & fundamental way of the church- the way traced out by Xt himself. It’s very cling to the mystery of the Incarnation of XT”.

Key Word:Humanity is the way primarily & fundamental for the church.”

- The Church’ role in the world: look at humanity and we find out what the church supposes to do.

- Man is the way for the church. Humanity is redeemed by Xt.

- Since humanity is the way of the church, way for her daily life & experiences, vision of the church today must always be aware of the manner of human situation (human is the way for the church)

  1. Jesus and friendship:

- “Friendship is a window into the person of Jesus, his humanity, relationship friendly understanding of the Jew”

- “Window”: sthing that we can see through what is in other side, two ways of seeing/ in vision of what is happening. We can see Jesus as Jesus sees us.

- Friendship is necessary for human experience with other people, with all we are we become person of relationship, we are shaped by the sharing of life and person, aspiration…

Art of friendship:

  1. To be a friend: believe in the goodness of other, try to lift someone up, be his inspiration, sensitive to the dream, aims of others… enrich our life. Be a friend, we have to be ourselves avoided hypocrite, not plastic, forgiving heart, going more than ½ way. Ex: the disciples knew Jesus by the way Jesus’ relationship: began a simple friendship, knowing Jesus in human relation- “Low- ascending approach: is the experience of the disciples.
  2. The Greek word for friendship:

- Eros: being in love, sexual and physical attraction.

- Narcissism: self- love( it doesn’t build up human relationship)

- Philia: Love of friendship, other-oriented, more human, more mature… Jesus shows philia to his friends. This relationship reviews his human personality to us.

- Agape: special term invented by the early Xtn cmty (NT): XTn Love. It is a unique form of love that xtn benefit one another bases on the model of Jesus. This love is celebrated in fraternal meal that we share uniqueness of friendship love, Eucharist expression: self-giving love (not servant but friend), willing to lay one life for one’s friend

Jn 11:3,5,11,32-44: Lazarus

- “The man you love is ill”

- Jesus loves Martha, Mary and Lazarus

- Our friend Lazarus is resting.

- Mary went to Jesus: my brother would not die…

- Jesus’ heart: great emotion and Jesus wept…

- See how much he loves him.

Jn 19,25-27: Jesus at the cross:

- Woman, this is your son!

- This is your mother!

- Reference back to Jn 13,23 who is this disciple: Jesus treated John as a close friend, Jesus entrusted His mother Mary to John.

  1. What is friendship?

Acc to Ignace Lepp: “friendship in his very foundation begin with the unconscious ideal”

- We don’t consciously make decision that I choose you as my friends- it is a conscious decision.

- We see something in other person that we like and like that person to be my friend, interesting back ground, sthing that attract you >> friendship begins

- It has to happen mutually

Ex: Jesus saw sthing in Peter, John, Matthew..

- French psychic: our language review how we look at life- understanding our reality.

Ex: Kaibigan (Tagalog)/ Panaghinagalaay (Cebuano)/ higala (friend)

- Languages reflect who we are/ what we are in human experience

- How Jesus related to his disciples can be a way of understanding how we relate to Jesus

- We all attract to Him and He sees sthing in each one of us, he call us personal by name- God loves me. I’m loveable… I should extend this love to other.

- It is a way of expressing: we can have mutual friendship with Jesus. I see a wonderful about Jesus… a radical connection that God loves us

Rm 5,8: what true that God loves us, xt died for us while we are still sinners.

- Jesus is a friend, our personal friend

- “Friendship is really a comprehensive expression for our relationship with Jesus”

- “come to me those who are burden… I’ll give you rest” this is a voice of a friend, who understand us , reveal his heart to us. We can see Jesus as our friends who share with us the way of our suffering and he’s a good friend to understand us we should stand with each other as Jesus stand with us in time of suffering and death.

  1. Disciples (Senior, 51-61)

Discipleship is the key theme of the Scripture:

- Jesus gathered his disciples around as the custom that the rabbi has follower’s disciples. His disciples did not choose him. Jesus chose them.

- Mk 3, 13-16: Jesus and his relationship with his disciples. He appointed the 12 as his constant companions, so discipleship means a constant being with Jesus

- “Discerns” (Latin word): S.O who is listening, binding, learning>> disciple is a listener, follower and learner. They recognized Jesus as their master.

- “Master”: being with them, leading them

The characteristic of discipleship:

- It is a call that never ends, permanent.

- The ordinariness of the disciples >>> make us feel at home with the SS: their lack of faith, doubtless …

- Mt 20, 28: The mother of the two sons of Zebedee: it shows us what kind of disciples they were, Peter denied, disciples ran away, only John remained with Jesus at the foot of the Cross.

- Senoirs: (Pg 61) The disciples were so ordinary, they were embarrassed… “what is the good new about Jesus: in the face of the master they failed, the disciples detected the infinite compassion of God and they committed this memory to the church” in spite of their failure, Jesus did not condemned or rejected them >>> they experienced the infinite compassion of God. At the resurrection Jesus said: “ Peace be with you”- a word of reconciliation >>> that is Good News!

- Did they truly friends of Jesus? Look at the way Jesus deals with his forgiveness reconciliation, love and peace. That made the people transformed. Peter is a greater sinner yet God empowers in and through him to lead the church. The way, the fundamental way Jesus deals with people is a way for our ministry in the church.

- Jesus is a good shepherd he lay down his life for the sheep. A true pastor always has a compassionate heart. This is a paradigm for us how to be in the ministry: compassionate leadership. That is the good new: the compassion of God.

  1. The outcasts and marginalized (Senoir 61-65)

- Jesus loved the poor and the outcasts. He touched many people: the poor, the widow, orphans, sick, anawin… those who has no human means of security. They trust in God’s mercy and compassion >>> Jesus is certainly identified with these people

- The unique combination of the disciples: they were not one personality, one background… yet, Jesus formed them into a cmty (Simon Zealot, Mt, Peter..) >>> the church’s cmty that we form: religious cmty, decease, priests…

- Mk 2, 15: the tax collector and sinner

- Mt 11, 19: he is a friend of tax collectors and sinners

- Lk 7, 34-37: the woman who was sinned

- Jewish law saw these people as the outcasts, unclean, who did not follow the laws, yet Jesus was with them eating” (it is more than just having a meal but a solidarity with, had a relationship with…)

- Table fellowship: a characteristic of Jesus a pastor- a orthodox Jewish convention.

- Sharing meal/ food: had a very strong cultural trait in the Near East: sign of solidarity with people.

- Eid il’ Fitz: (Muslim- end of Rammada month): time of great celebration, great sense of expectation when the fasting is finished.

- The gospel tells us that Jesus ate with them >>> Jesus is solidarity with them.

- Lk 19, 1-10: Zacheus: “today I’ll stay in your house to share a meal together

- Jesus is a person of sensitivity, a friend of the marginalized and the outcasts.

- Preferential option for the poor but not excluding choice to be with the little one >>> this is the call of Jesus

- The theme of Lk’s gospel is universalism: Jesus reaches out to everyone.

- Jesus breaks down the barrier- breaking ministry. He did it is a risk for himself. This is true friend. This is a very effective way of being in ministry: “reaching out

- Asian Synod: gathering of Asia’s bishops (Rome- April 1998) for continental synod in preparation for the Great Jubilee Year 2000; - one yr later the pope JP. II went to India and proclaimed the final document: “Ecclesia in Asia” what kind of Xtology we need in Asia? Addresses questions of how to be a Xtn in Asia, how to announce the Gospel and Jesus, the inculturation of the faith. Possible “Christological” approaches: begin with the humanity of Jesus (his compassion), use the stories and narratives, employ Asian images (guru) and accept that “gradualism” in evangelization is necessary. Witness of Christlike deeds. Yet the full truth of Jesus’ humanity and divinity is communicated.

We should use a kind of evangelization that reflects the ministry of Jesus itself. In the Asian context, it really shows the personal contact and it requires the evangelists to take the situation of the mission: “present listener to heart”. We have to present Jesus in our ministry: “the compassionate of the poor”, the wisdom teacher in the midst of so much suffering in Asia. How is it proclaimed? It is not only to go to our Xtology but to our ministry.”

- The Explicit Xtology: that follows after the resurrection where the disciples fully understand Jesus- his fullness of humanity and divinity.

- The Implicit Xtology: Jesus shows the compassion of God to us, through Jesus we see the human face of God.

Jn asked Jesus: are you the one to come or some one else? Mt 11, 2-6)… what you see: blind- see, deaf- hear, good news- proclaim to the poor Jesus gave a Christo clear answer, it is true Xtology

Senior pg 65: “The call to newness of life, to repentance, to indiscriminate love was directed to all, rich and poor. Jesus’ integrity finds a grim witness in his death: neither rich nor poor would stand beside him” >>> the call for conversion is for all, it is neither for the rich nor the poor- looking it into our life and reflect!

  1. The women (Senior 66-72)

- Jesus had a close friendship with women

- If we look at the background of the women society in the time of Jesus: the women were truly inferiority in both socially and religiously, they were not considered as equal to men.

- Yet, Jesus had friendship with them. Jesus went beyond his social and religious boundary at that time. Jesus had so many contacts with women.

- Lk gave us more details on Jesus’ social contact with women

- Mk 1, 29-31: Simon mother-in- law

- Mt 9, 20

- Lk 8, 53

- Mt 15, 21-28

- Lk 7, 11-17

- Lk 7, 36-50

- Lk 10, 38 & Jn 11, 5

- Jn 4: the Samaritan woman

- Jn 8, 1-11

>>> Jesus breaks the barrier, going beyond the social and religious barrier of his time.

- In the Passion and at the Cross: the women were the one always mentioned. Mary Magdalene was mentioned by name Jn 20, 1-18

- Lk 24, 1-11

- Mt 28, 1-8

- Mk 16, 1-11

- Mk 15, 40-41

- Jn 19, 25-26

- Lk 23, 49

- In all the four gospels: women are the witness to the resurrection of Jesus, eps Mary Magdalene.

- The popular understanding: it is story of great conversion but actually the dignity of Mary Magdalene is not her past and conversion but the emphasis is b/c she was the first witness of the resurrection of Jesus. It gives us a sense of what it means to believe in Jesus: Jesus lives and is alive.

- Magdalene & Jesus

- What kind of the human of Jesus>>> the gospel portrait is taken shape>>> drawing a gospel portrait. Senior Pg 72-73): “ The gospel portrait of Jesus begins to take shape: a man sensitive to the traditions of his people but a t the same time supremely free, a person with such magnetism that his very presence was an authority, a man whose friends were not abandoned, even when they were disappointing. Jesus’ courage and conviction earned him opposition and hostility. But our enemies may be as revealing as our friends. Many of the charges against Jesus, as recorded in the gospels, are based on the fact that his disciples were unkempt, that he associated with the lawless, that he befriended women, and that he spoke and acted as if he were on a mission from God. Such a portrait could have originated only with Jesus of Nazareth. That it is precisely this portrait that the gospel tradition maintained could only be the work of the Holy Spirit.”


- The window we use in this section is very helpful in the context of Jesus and his friendship.

- “The friendship we have in Jesus” It is really a comprehensive expression through our relationship with Jesus, we see Jesus before us as a human being… He calls us. He devoted his life for friends, deeply friendship- share the way of suffering and death. He is a good friend. He understands us and supports us. I can turn to him in time of troubles and needs. He stands with us and walk along with us at all time.

- This is a very good definition for the church. The church is to be described as a cmty of compassion: “see how they love each other”. Our founder/ress had a deep sense of compassion >>> our ministry is directed to the ministry of Jesus

- Do not fall into a kind of Monophisitism: “Jesus is only Divine” or do not think that our faith is only in the Divine of Jesus but also in his real person- his humanity: where one come to pray in the church, in the poor… >>> this is a “low- ascending approach”: slowly we see the face of God in Jesus- in his teaching. Jesus is the human face of God. The Incarnated God is Jesus.

IV. THE TEACHING OF JESUS: (Revelatory of his person) - Senior:74-99 & Rausch 5, 77-93)

- The teaching of Jesus reveals his person. Our word reveals who we are.

- In the gospel, we have the words of Jesus. They reflected the person of Jesus. We do not follow Jesus Seminar but the inspire scripture. The words of Jesus penetrated his wisdom, teaching, authority of what he spoke and what is the central content of his teaching? That is the KINDOM OF GOD.

- Mk 1, 15: “The time is fulfilled. The KDG is at hand, repent and believe in the good news…”

What is the KDG? Jesus never defines the KDG

  1. The KDG, promised to Israel and proclaimed by JC, is God’s ultimate victory over all the enemies of human life- over sin, evil, injustice, suffering and death… The KDG is the rule of God’s Word in the history of men. The KD is men’s entry into a new heaven and a new earth.
  2. The KDG/ KD of Heaven (in Mt) is to be established in the last days. Essentially it is a “mystery” (Mk 4,11)- it is revealed to us by the language of parables.(Mt use the KD of Heaven b/c in the Jewish tradition, Yahweh’s name is so holy no one dare to speak of His Holy name- so Mt mention the KD of Heaven.
  3. The KDG means a new attitude, new perspective of life
  4. The KDG renew relationship, change relationship and new way of relating to one another>>. It is the rule and central of his teaching.
  5. The KDG is of history, it reveals to us the plan of salvation. How did Jesus most reflective describe it> it is through the parables.
  6. The KDG/ heaven in Jesus’ preaching announced the new form of God’s salvation.

The major teaching of Jesus is “the already and not yet” (Eschatology). 5 points which was unfolded in the OT:

  1. Clear understanding of God’s universal providence. God’s lovingly rule all creation, all people. He provides, look after, cares for every body. It is universal caring.
  2. Israel began to see itself as the KDG: it is not the beginning of the OT but when they went through the experiences of Exodus, Sinai… they came to understand a particular way that God’s rule is over/ upon them in a very special way. They grew in this awareness that they are Yahweh’s people: “the Covenant” is the excellent expression of this relationship.
  3. After Israel entered the Promised Land, the institution of kingship developed in Israel (Saul, David, Solomon): King in a subordinate sense: they ruled in the name of Yahweh, acting in the name of Yahweh, rule people on Yahweh’s behalf, depended on Yahweh. Eventually the kingdom was divided and the Davidic rule was failed.
  4. Time of the prophets, awaiting the final rule of Yahweh, we should go back to Yahweh. Jeremiah: “Behold the days are coming…” They grew in a great expectation, hoping, wondering… when Yahweh would reestablish ruling Irael. (Is: the people is in darkness… )
  5. Inter-testament time: There is a heighten expectation: deep longing, wonderful sense of history, very intensive of this waiting for the KDG. And in Mk 1, 15: “The time is fulfilled” The KDG is at hand, not tomorrow but now and here.

KAIROS/ KRONOS: time (Gk): it is a golden opportunity one must grasp it now, for it never comes back, urgency, important is now or never…

Mk 1:15: “The time is fulfilled, repent, and believe in the good news”

  1. Time is fulfilled: (answer the question WHEN)

- It is a linking for understand the KDG.

- Time in the OT: Israel, kingship, faithful, Assyrian, Babylonian, captivity, exile… entire, longing for the coming of the KD, waiting… that is the significant of Mk 1:15. Jesus said that the time is now fulfilled: you are witnessing that the KDG is here>

Ø KAIROS: a special golden opportunity that you must grasp, can’t miss, or don’t want to miss, a sense of urgency, prepare…

Ø KRONOS: a successive unfolding of events: ear to ear, decade to decade…

- In MK 15, the urgency of the coming of the KDG, you must be prepared, don’t be like the foolish virgin didn’t bring oil for their lamb

- When it comes, you must be ready. It is an important moment, watchfulness and clear decision. It is now! The only matter now is the KDG: it is the center of Jesus’ teaching.

- Lk 9:62 no one put his hand to the plough and look back… not fit for the KD: if we focus on the KD, we can go straight (an agriculture image): emphasis now, urgency of the KD.

- Mt 7: 13 enter the narrow gate...

- Mt 6:33 seek first the KDG…

- The classic movie: I believe in the gospel of MT: If you want to hear Jesus, you have to be hurry up to the hill to follow Jesus>> sense of urgency to presume the KD.

  1. The reign of God is at hand: (WHOSE the KDG belong?)

- We can’t bring the KDG by ourselves it is God’s gift. We don’t invite ourselves to the KD. “Our Father” we pray that “your KD come… “It is sthing that granted to us.

- Mk 10:15 If you don’t accept the gift of the KD as a child, you are not part of the rule of God.

- The reign of God is something that given as a gift. We are not Messiah, we are servant of the KD, we must receive it humbly.

- French author: Bernanos: “Diary of a country priest”: all is grace: we don’t earn it. (it is a gift and grace)

- God’s KD, we must try to search what is God’s desires and plan, search God’ will>> be able to enter the KDG (Ignatius)

- Pope John XXIII: Obedience and Peace: to search God’s will, obey it and you will find peace (died in 1963, Blessed 2000). It is God’ KD.

  1. The reign of God: (WHAT is the KD?)

- It is not an earth;y, religious, national understanding of KD, many people in Jesus time had misunderstood what kind of the KD.

- Jesus speaks of the fact that he is Messiah, heal the sick, transfigure… but always said to them: “do not tell anybody what happened” (The Messianic Secret). Jesus conceals the fact that He is Messiah b/c people had a wrong image/ misunderstanding.

- Mk 8: 27-33 Peter confessed that You are the Christ!

- The KD of Jesus come through death and suffering, but Peter got eh wrong idea… get behind: satan… take up your cross and follow me!

- Jesus rejects the splendid earthly expectation, b/c his KD comes through suffering.

- Mk 8: 27-33

- Lk 9: 22-26

- Mt 16:21-26

- Jesus rejects position of honor: mother of the sons of Zebedee Lk 9: 51-55

- KDG should not be taken earthly but it’s God’s rule and God’reign.

BASILEIA: (Gk): Kingdom/ reign/ rule.

How do we translate the KDG/ the “basileia” into your language?

- gingharian (v) > Paghari (n) (Cebuano)

- kaharian > Paghatian (Tagalog)

- The KDG is not so much a place but more on God’s active and dynamic presence in our life (set up on fire, renew our relationship), not a comfortable place to sit down. God shapes our life acc to God’s values.

- Rausch 84-91: (read- The KDG)

- Pg 85- Rausch: “The KDG is not a place but an event” something that happen and dynamic. It is God’s saving power into history, presence, love and compassion of God.

  1. How do we enter this KD?

- Mk1: 15 “Repent”:a radical change, change of life, choice is clear; don’t look back. It is a radical decision (put your hand on the plough; don’t look back), change of heart & mind (Metnoia), turn away from one’s former self, one’s decision is about faith, renew, converse… it is a religious action, awareness of God’s rule in our life, new openness to the will of God, it is a Kairos, golden opportunity for us.

- Lk 19: 1-10: Jesus called Zacheus: he changed his direction; he got the message of the KDG- conversion, radical renewal.

- A partial conversion is not a conversion at all.

  1. How do we enter the KDG?

- “Believe”: a call for the KD is people for faith. Believe means we trust that God salvation will come and through the person of Jesus Christ.

- Origen, (French- early Christian writer) “ faith- Jesus- KD”: he calls Jesus the autobasileia: KD & relation to Xt, Jesus is the KDG in himself, in his person, Jesus calls to have faith; God’s active salvation is coming.

- Rausch pg 90: “to encounter Jesus is to encounter God’s reign”. It is faith, strong enough to bring us to true repentant, faith in JC, allow God to take over our life

  1. Mk 1: 15 The Good News:

- This message of the KD is truly a Good News: saving event of sinners in the KD “evanggelion” (Gk)

- Is 52:7 “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings glad tidings, announcing peace, bearing good news, announcing salvation…”

- Good news is for all.

- The vision of the Good News >>> JC talks about the KD. This KD is good news for the poor, downcast, positive orientation. God’s salvation and love is here and for all: sense of joy, fulfill, peace…

- Pope John XXIII died in June 1963, Pope Paul VI (1963-1978) continued Vat II, his most significant doc: “evangelii nuntiandi” (Dec 8th 1975) (the gospel must be announced). The same yr he gave us another apostolate exultation title: “Christian Joy”

- The KDG brings a new out look and new relationship

- The church (Rausch Pg 91) the mission of the church is to be God’s instrument of the KDG, to bring about the KD. The KD is now presented in ministry.

  1. LG 5: give us a very captivating image of what the church is in relation to the KD. The church is to be:

+ The initial body forth of the KD.

+ The first flower that manifests the beauty of the KD. It doesn’t mean that the church is the fulfillment of the KD, but the church is to be the servant of the KD that brings about God’ rule.

  1. Gaudium et Spes 39: the Church in the modern world:

What is the result of the KD is all about? Why the KD?

We have to look at the “eschatology”. It is the final time, final age. When? It is “realize” fully brought to reality: Presentist- Futurist- Reality.

Catholic understanding of the KD: we keep the two things together: Both “present and future” (Rausch pg 85-86): the eschatology tension.

- Jesus used the language of parable to tell about the KD.

- Scripture scholars help us to understand what KDG is: it demands a new attitude and change relationship.

- KDG is a way Jesus announcing God coming salvation.

- Every yr we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King: our liturgy expresses our faith… take the liturgy of the church and turn into worship. (Read the prefix of the Feast Christ the King.)

Lex Orande: the law, norm to which we pray.

Lex Credendi: the law, norm the way we believe

ð It reflects the faith of the church.

  1. The Kingdom of truth and life.
  2. The Kingdom of holiness and grace.
  3. The Kingdom of Justice, love and peace.

ð A reflective of God ultimate victory over the enemy of sin, war, hatred… It helps us to understand the KD.

ESCHATOLOGY: (Gk: “eschotos”) last or furthest refer to the teachings about the end-time or last things.

- The KD promise to Israel, now is revealed in the fullness of time, revelation, the final age, last age > the final age of God has arrived in the person of Jesus Christ. We are living in the “eschatos” ( Rausch 85-89)

- Understand the KD:

· Present reality

· Past.

· Future.

  1. The KDG as present reality.

- The parables: illustrates that the reign of God is taking place right now.

Ex: Mt 13 the parable about the KD: seed that falls on the rocky ground, wheat and the weed, mustard seed, the yeast mixed in with the flour, the treasure buried in the field….

- Miracles and Exorcisms: For Palestinian Jew of the time of Jesus, sickness or infirmity was attribute to demonic power (Lk 13:10-16), sin (Jn 9:1-3), Jesus’ exorcisms (Mk 1:23-28; 3: 23-27) and his healings show that the arrival of the reign of God, the power of evil over human beings was broken…

- The forgiveness of sins: The proclamation of the forgiveness of sins is more evidence that the age of salvation is at hand (healing of relationship, remission of debt, reconciliation with God and the cmty….) Jesus did not only say in word but also in deeds (Mt 18:23-35) (Lk 15:11-32). The Pharisee objected “who but God alone can forgive sins?” (Mk 2:7). But for Jesus, it was how one shared in the blessings of salvation not only in the member of the cmty define by the Temple and Torah.

- Table of Fellowship: The meals played a very important role in the ministry of Jesus. Jesus’ practice of table fellowship illustrates the presence of God’s KD. To share a meal with someone in the Middle East is a sign of communion. “He ate with the tax collector and sinners” (Lk 7:34; 15:2) His table fellowship had implication for sinners. Meals with Jesus were joyous occasions- how can the disciples be sad in His presence. In this way Jesus proclaim in sign the participation of all in the reign of God. God’s reign is inclusive! “Conversion flowered from communion”

Mt 12: 22-28: Jesus cast out the demon

Lk 11:20-22 The KD is already coming, establishing

Mk 4: 26-29: KD is already among us.

  1. The Kingdom as the future reality:

- In the Our Father, we pray “Your KD come” (Mt 6:10, Lk 11:12).

- God would come in the last day to save and restore his people Israel.

- The Son of Man coming in judgment underline the future dimension of God’s reign

- The parables of the KD: the mustard seed, buried treasure, the lost pearl, the net cast into the sea… (Mt 13:1-53)

- Mk 9:1 KDG will come

- Mk 14:62: you will see the Son of Man coming from the cloud of Heaven.

- Mt 16: 28

- Lk 21: 31-32

ð It brings both the present and future aspects of the reign of God to light. The KDG is a PRESENTIST- FURTURIST REALITY

Compensation of these two realities:

- Definitely and mutual interaction.

- Reality among us: absolutely.

- Fulfill: not yet.

- The fulfillment of KDG will come at the end of time. (it is like you already smell the dry fish but you don’t eat it yet) – this is presentist- futurist reality

- A time of a full reign of God.

Mt 24:36: for the day and hour no one knows it but the Father only.

Mt 25: the last judgment: the KD is fully established (sheep and the goat)

- Time of preparation, promise in OT

- Inaugurating in Jesus.

- Present continuation of KD in the world, the mission of the church.

- Final parosia of the KD

God’s KD/ Paul “mysterion” (God’s loving plan of salvation for all people)

OT >>> JC - Death – Resurrection- the Church >>> Christ enthroned in glory

Preparation >>> 1st coming of Christ >>> 2nd coming of Christ (will come again)


  1. Preparation/ promises
  2. Inauguration by Jesus
  3. Continuation in time (the church in the world) KD is unfolding
  4. Final perfection (Parosia)

“Mysterion”: God KD comes:

- Christ now is enthroned with the father in glory but He is back into our heart through the Holy Spirit (the church).

- The church in the world is supposed to be Lumen Gentium: the light to the people.

- LG 5: the church is the KD now presence in mystery, prepare for the final coming in glory.

- The church is journeying from the 1st coming and the 2nd coming: Pilgrim people: looking forward the 2nd coming ( a total fullness, complete of the KDG)

ð Christology, Ecclesiology, history, and mission.

The KDG is a challenging reality and only arrive through hard work, labor, tension and difficulties…

Mt 11,12 KDG has been subjected to violence, conflict… some may fall but we can sure that we have the KDG b/c we are member of the church.

The KDG will not come w/o struggle and tension (central message of Jesus’ teaching)


    1. The 1st dominant theme: KD theme:

Salvation be offered. What Jesus said revealed His person. KD is the dominant theme.

    1. The 2nd dominant theme: Jesus teaches us God as Father.

i. God had revealed himself as a loving God: OT.

ii. God’s love and care for His people (Deut: 7:6-9) God speak to Israel: you are the smallest among the nation b/c the Lord love you and brought you out from the land of slavery, the Lord your God is the faithful God… you are my people. I chose you b/c I love you…>>> Israel’s aware of God’s care and love.

iii. The nearness of Jesus’ teaching is not so much God’s transcendence (go beyond, holiness, very other, above, greater…) but God’s immanence (closeness, nearness that we can approach, “Emmanuel”. This captures Jesus’ teaching God as the Father.

ð Understand the nearness and closeness of God: God’s love very unique in the teaching of Jesus: “ABBA” is the familiar address to the true father (intimate father)

ð “ABSOLUMENT NOUVEAU” (French- Lyonnet) totally unique and completely new that we can call God “Father”

ð “IPSISSIMA VOX JESUS” (Jewish- J. Jeremiar): we heard the very voice of Jesus to address god as Father

ð In Jn 13-17: over 15X Jesus prefer to God as Father, a deep personal relationship, Jesus had full confident in His Father especially in his joy/ suffer/ agony and death… “Fahter, forgive them… into Your hand I comment my spirit…” It’s a constant relationship with the Father. Now, the church also call God as Father (Rm 8:15; Gal 4:6)

ð “ABBA” represented Jesus essence “ESSE” (W. Manchel)

· His consciousness, who he is, his identity…. This shocks the people b/c they never mention the name of God Yahweh.

· This is the very essence of his very being, identity, the core of his being.

· Jesus expressed his very identity is the Son of the Father.

· He is in a unique position to communicate God’s word and God’s revelation.

· It is a wonderful Father.

The teaching of Jesus:

Ø The Kingdom theme is the prominent theme.

Ø What Jesus said reveals his person.

Ø Jesus taught us God as Father “ABBA”– a loving God. (Transcendence/ Immanence)

John Paul II’s encyclical before the Jubilee Year: Each person of Trinity.

  1. In 1979 The “Redemptor Homilis” on the person of Jesus (redeemer of humanity)
  2. Domi... (on the Holy Spirit, giver of life)
  3. Dives in Misericordia (Father rich in mercy)
    1. The 3rd theme: The teaching of Jesus reveals His identity:

It is the role of Jesus’ person in God’s salvation, presuppose “ABBA” theme.

It is a unique role, unfolding of the plan of salvation.

v Jesus presented himself: One who forgives sin (Sin is forgiven, sign of the KD is coming)

Ø Mk 2: 1-12; Jesus said to the paralyzed, seeing the faith of the people he said “your sin is forgiven”. Jesus forgives sin, He identifies who he is: authority, the forgiveness of sin is one who conquers evil for the KD. The KD is arriving in your hearing. Jesus has a unique role in unfolding the KD.

v A unique role: a perfect revealer:

Ø The revealing the unfolding plan of God in history: God’s desire is being revealed.

Ø Jesus reinterpretation the Jewish law/ tradition

Ø Mt 5: 20-48: the passage of the six antitheses.

Ø Jesus gives the statement from Mosaic law and give his authentic interpretation: “ But “I” say to you”, I have the power to interpret the meaning of the passage, he gave new interpretation, unique role in God’s plan of salvation.

Ø Mk 10:2-12: Moses allowed divorce....

    1. The 4th theme: Jesus speaks about the fundamentality validity of what Scripture and tradition of old had taught.

Ø Jesus did not throw away OT but he fulfilled it.

Ø Mk 5: 17: How the law is fulfilled. I come not to abolish but fulfill > he gave authentic interpretation. He prayed the psalm, certain shema prayer

Ø The law in the OT is the true source of finding God’s will but he wants to be sure that we understand the spirit of the law.

Ø Mk 7:9-13

Ø The Jewish law is definitely valid: way of drawing close to God, fulfill God’s will, don’t get stock in it but bring a deeper relationship with God, not hindrance.

Ø Jesus commends fasting, prayer and almsgiving... (the spirit of the law)

    1. The 5th theme: Love of God and neighbors:

Ø Not only neighbor but extended it even to our enemies

Ø Ex: The good Samaritan: who is the true neighbor?- the one who shows compassion.

Ø Jesus makes the centrality of love- the high point.

Ø Jn 15: 12 love one another as I have love you, remain in my love.

Ø Parisi: Italian priest who is psychologist. Gave 15 talk on the theme “AS I” ( as I have done this to you, you must go and do the same.)

Ø Not eh fulfillment of eh law but the spirit of the law.

Ø The greatest commandment: “love your God with all you heart, mind and love your neighbor as yourself”

Ø The key theme of Jesus’ teaching bring us the kind of person he is, many times these themes are intertwined and mutual related “love you neighbor, your enemy and pray for those who persecute you”

Ø Imitate the Son of the Father.

Ø Perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Ø Mt 5:20: he challenged the Pharisee and disciples: If your virtue does not go deeper, only external, not motivated by love... you will never get into the KD of heaven.

Theme of Jesus’ teaching:

- Basileia.

- Abba

- Jesus’ role in salvation plan. (6 antitheses)

- Validity of OT

- Love.


  1. Jesus teaching focuses on the KD, salvation, new way of God brings salvation
  2. The KD message:

- Promise to Israel.

- God’s ultimate rule in our life.

- Love, justice, suffering…> Conquer by the KD, God’s world will rule in our history.

  1. KD demands a new attitude and change relationship.
  2. KD is the way Jesus announce how God’s salvation come. God takes over our life, God’s rule, God’s reign. God is number one. KD is coming.
  3. Jesus’ teaching reveals his person >>> enter more deeply to the relationship.
  4. Low- ascending approach: discipleship Christology: hearing what Jesus teaching, saying… If we listen to Jesus’ Word, we will get to know who this Jesus is.
  5. The disciples renew their faith after the experience of death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

V. THE DEEDS AND ACTION OF JESUS. (Revealing his identity)

(Rausch pg 91-93 & Senoir pg 100-116)

  1. Miracles:

(See Senior chapter 3,4,5: work together).

Characteristic of Jesus’ miracles:

  1. They are truly few: B/c miracle is not Jesus’ focus on his life but the KDG and love are his themes.
  2. They are true miracles: not story invented.
  3. The unselfishness of Jesus’ miracles: he did not work miracles for his own interest, benefit, satisfy his needs (3 temptations) nor to force people come to faith and follow him.
  4. They are different form our conception of miracles (our contemporary mind of what miracle is) (Senior pg 101-105 describing the #)

- Jewish mind: God controlled the world and created the world. God is the one in charge: calming the storm, sea… God’s power is already there. Miracle is only manifested that God controlled the world.

- People tended all who ill, blind… b/c they committed sin, the evil had power over them, therefore if someone was healed of blindness… God’s power is greater than the evil one... >>> it changes how we look at the miracles

  1. The miracles are always connected with faith/ the KD. They are mended to strengthen the faith.

Ex: - Seeing their faith…

- Hemorrhage woman: “woman you have great faith…”

- Miracle and faith: God’s power, God’ rule

- Mk 1:15 The time is fulfilled, repent and believe in the Good news…

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